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Protoperidinium oblongum

caption Incubation experiment with cyst of Protoperidinium oblongum (Aurivillus) Parke & Dodge
A. Cyst when isolated (T=0).
B. Cyst after 6 days in incubation chamber. Cell contents had changed significantly.
C. Cyst after excystment (T=8 days). The opercular piece is still attached.
D. Resulting motile stage from the incubation experiment. Note similarity between cell contents in motile stage and mature cyst (B). Sediment sample
author Ana Amorim
copyright Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
observation details click here
plate number Plate 11 (Amorim PhD Thesis FCUL, 2002)
image sets   East Atlantic -Portugal- Dinoflagellate Cysts