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Chrysoreinhardia feldmannii

caption Chrysoreinhardia feldmannii
Previously described as Pulvinaria feldmannii in Billard, C. & Fresnel, J. (1980) Nouvelles observations sur le Pulvinaria feldmannii (Bourrelly et Magne) comb. nov. (Chrysophyceae, Sarcinochrysidales) formant une ceinture sur substrat meuble. Cryptogamie, Algologie 1: 281-292.
Benthic species forming mucilage coats (up), two plasts, euryhaline. Figure from Hoffmann, L., Billard, C., Janssens, M., Leruth, M., Demoulin, V. (2000) Mass development of marine benthic Sarcinochrysidales (Chrysophyceae s.l.) in Corsica. Botanica Marina 43: 223-231.
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author Chantal Billard
copyright University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France
image sets   English Channel - Normandy - Phytoplankton - Images from Chantal Billard (University of Caen Basse-Normandie)