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Cyclotella polymorpha

caption This is the most abundant and common centric diatom of Lake Kinneret, although due to its small cell size and heavy grazing pressure it does not reach high biomass concentrations. The species was first described in 1996 based on material from Lake Kinneret, to the best of our knowledge until today is was not reported to occur anywhere else. It appears in many morphotypes, hence its name. It is a small (diameter : 4.5 - 16 um) perti-dish shaped diatom that in some summers reaches concentrations of thousands of cells/mL. It was more abundant in the early 1990s, its abundance has declined in recent years.
author aalster and tzohary
copyright A Alster & T Zohary, Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, IOLR
observation details click here
image notes Photo taken with an Olympus BX50 Microscope equipped with DIC optics and PixeLink digital camera, mag. X100
image sets   Lake Kinneret planktonic life forms