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Synedra rumpens

caption Synedra rumpens, pennate diatom, valve view. Valve narrowly linear-lanceolate, somewhat swollen at the centre, gradually attenuating towards the ends with narrow, very slightly subcapitate apices. S. rumpens is common in the Kinneret plankton since about 1998, before hand it was rare or missing. Its occurrence is seasonal, it is found in the plankton only in the second half of the year with peak abundance of thousands of cells per mL usually in September. In fall 2009 S. rumpens was particularly abundant, peaking at 9500 cell mL-1. Due to its small cell biovolume, its contribution to phytoplankton biomass was moderate even during the peak of the bloom, 35% of the total.
author aalster and tzohary
copyright Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
observation details click here
image sets   Lake Kinneret planktonic life forms