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Synechocystis aquatilis

caption Synechocystis aquatilis
Plate 1
author N.H. Noaman
image notes Electron micograph of Synechocystis aquatilis (Chroococcales),grown in liquid medium BG-11. The protoplasm is clear and the plasma membrane is surrounded by the cell wall..Thylakoids are arranged and granular glycogen distributed within the thylakoids .
figure in reference N. H. Noaman, A. M. Khaleafa and M. I. Abdel Nabi (2004). Efficiency of Synechocystis aquatilis and Chroococcus schizodermaticus in wastewater treatment. Egypt. J. Microbiol., 9, 162-178.
image sets   Egypt - Picoplankton (TEM) - Nagwa Gamal Mohammady