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Mamiella gilva

caption Mamiella gilva
Basionym : Nephroselmis gilva, further emended in Moestrup, O. (1984). Further studies on Nephroselmis and its allies (Prasinophyceae). 2. Mamiella gen. nov., Mamiellaceae fam. nov., Mamiellales ord. nov. Nordic Journal of Botany 4(9): 109-121
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author Parke & Rayns
copyright (c) Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
figure in reference Parke, M. & Rayns, D. G. 1964. Studies on marine flagellates VII. Nephroselmis gilva sp.nov. and some allied forms. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 44: 209-17.
image sets   Taxa - Prasinophyceae - Original images