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Prorocentrum minimum

caption Prorocentrum minimum
Neritic, small size, warty theca, small apical spine, toxic species. Figure from Erard-Le Denn, E., Belin, C., & Billard C. (2002) - Various cases of ichthyotoxic blooms in France. In : « Aquaculture, Environment and Marine Phytoplankton ». Brest, 21-23 mai 2001. Editions IFREMER, Actes Colloq. 34 : 89-102.
author Jacqueline Fresnel
copyright University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France
image sets   English Channel - Normandy - Phytoplankton - Images from Chantal Billard (University of Caen Basse-Normandie)