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Cosmarium laeve

caption Cosmarium leave (Chlorophyta, Desmidiales). One of the more common desmids of Lake Kinneret. Upper left hand cell seen in top view; upper right hand seen in front view showing 2 mirror-image semi-cells so typical of this genus; bottom cell at final stages of division, just before the two daughter cells split into two independent organisms. Note nucleus in the hyaline isthmus (cell center) area connecting the two semicells, chloroplasts with pyrenoids. Large round circle in center of each semicell is characteristic.
author aalster and tzohary
copyright A Alster & T Zohary, Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, IOLR
observation details click here
image notes Photo taken with an Olympus BX50 Microscope equipped with DIC optics and PixeLink digital camera, mag. X100
image sets   Lake Kinneret planktonic life forms