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Achnanthes lacus-vulcani

caption Achanathes lacus-vulcani Lange-Bertalot and Krammer 1989. See Hustedt in Simonsen (1987,pl. 595, figs 4-6), given as C. thienenammii. C. thienenammii was transferred to Achnanthes and given the new name of Achnanthes lacus-vulcani, due to the name A. thienenammii being preoccupied (Lange-Bertalot and Krammer 1989). bar= 50 µm
image originally recorded as Cocconeis thienemannii
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author Stuart R. Stidolph
copyright Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
observation details click here
image notes Material also deposited in Rijksherbarium Leiden, the Netherlands. Aliquot sample and slide also in collection Sterrenburg, Nr. 249
figure in reference 29
plate number 1
image sets   The Stuart Stidolph Diatom Atlas