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Achnanthes citronella
Achnanthes citronella. See Schmidt's Atlas, pl.415, fig.5 and Foged 1975, p.7, pl.9, fig.13. Meister (1935, p.98, pl.6, fig.53) gives a similar specimen from Nagasaki as Cocconeis citronella. However, Meister's identification appears not to agree with the original description and the figures given by Mann as a doubtful new species, Cocconeis citronella (1925, p.61, pl.13, figs 3-6). According to VanLandingham, p.773, Cocconeis citronella Mann is a synonym of Achnanthes citronella Mann (1925) Hustedt comb. nov., 1937 in Schmidt et al., pl.415, figs 3-8, scale bar= 50 µm.